
Japanese Doctor Makes Stem Cell Breakthrough

The debate about using embryonic stem cells for medical research has been known to be a very passionate topic for millions of people, both of whom are for and those who are against the research. There have been many proven positive results from the previous exams that have been created, that is was important to Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, a Japanese doctor, to create a stem cell reproduction that did not involve actual stem cells.

For the last eight years, Dr. Yamanaka has been searching for a means in seeing is such a result would be feasible. Today, Dr. Yamanaka is pleased to announce that he is indeed one of the many new researchers that have found that there is new evidence to support that there can be reproduction and healing for millions of people through adult skin cells versus embryonic skin cells. The function of the adult skin cells is known to work just the same, and have the same healing properties. This is thought to believe that it will be helpful for those that will not be able to receive medical attention otherwise, especially with all of the large debates that are always at hand for the embryonic stem cells.

This new revelation is said to be one of the best revelations in medical history in the last few years, as it will be able to assist those that need the medical attention, but all without having to be a hassle on others. This discovery is said to not only be of benefit for the United States people, but for also the county of Japan, where the doctor is from. This is because the country has fallen behind on medical advancements, and such a discovery is though to be not only beneficial for all, but a step ahead for Japan.

Source: www.dbtechno.com

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